A Cambs Cpl reading.

Click the link below for a detailed study of Cambs service numbers and how to work out enlistment dates from them.

Cambs Regt Service Numbers Page

For a guide to identifying and understanding the First World War era medals awarded to the men of the Cambs please click the link below.

Guide to the Great War Medals of the Cambridgeshire Regiment

In response to the large volume of questions we have received about medals we have produced a list of 'Frequently Asked Questions' with unbiased detailed answers that we hope people will find helpful.

Medal FAQ Page

This site went live on the 14th February 2015 to mark  100 years since the 1/1st Cambs went off to war.


Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 by Felix Jackson. The information and images on this site should not be reproduced without prior permission.